23 abril 2008

Back Again / De Vuelta

Here I am - sorry for not writing quite often lately - as you can see, lots of knitting every day ...
Aqui estoy - siento no haber escrito con mucha regularidad ultimamente - como podéis ver, tengo muchísimo trabajo todos los días ...

6 comentarios:

Camel Cigarettes dijo...

The first thing I wanted to do was to thank the author for making such a beautiful blog! No one could have done it better! Thank you very much for the pictures which are on the page. They are splendid! I will surely add your blog to my links and will always visit the web page you’ve created!

Tizzalicious dijo...

So cute! As always!

Over The Top Aprons dijo...

You work continues to be so beautiful and so charming... I wish you continued success!

Bonny (Bonny Jewelry) dijo...

wowza - you've been busy!! They are all adorable but I especially love the dresses with the tiny little flowers - very feminine!

Unknown dijo...

q monada de vestiditos!!!! yo tengo una mini, y la adoro, como me encantaría aprender ha hacer vestiditos tan chulis para ella, son adorables ^_*

willynillywaterlily dijo...

You are so creative! Love the new designs!