I got some comments and emails asking me about my dolls. So, here you have some information about them. If you need more, just let me know ... ^__^
Recibí algunos comentarios e emails preguntando por mis muñecas. Así que, aqui teneis más información sobre ellas. Si necesitáis más, es solo preguntar ... ^___^
These girls are BJD (ball joint dolls). Most of them are made of resin (this is one of the reasons they are pretty expensive). They wear wigs and are more delicate - not too much light, care with water, if they fall down they could get serious damaged ...
Dolls 1, 2, 3 are Lati Yellow (16cm). Doll 8 is a Lati White (9,8cm) and doll 9 is a Lati White SP (12cm). They are made by Lati Doll - http://www.latidoll.com/2007_en/.
Doll 4 is a Person 21, made by Secretdoll - http://www.secretdoll.com/shop/step1.php?number=719. She is 19cm.
Doll 5 is a Pukifee Ante, she is 15,5cm. Doll 7 is a Puki Puki, she is 11,2cm. They are made by Fairyland - http://dollfairyland.com/index.php.
Doll 6 is a Mui-Chan, she is 16cm. She is made by Ixtee - http://www.ixdoll.com/catalog/index.php
And, doll 10 is a Hujoo, she is 26cm. She is made by http://www.hujoo.kr/
These girls are Blythes. You can find them on Ebay. Mine are custom dollies (they have carved lips, nose, new hair, new eyechips ... ) and number 6 is a "fake" Blythe - she is a Basaak, cheaper and a nice girl to start a collection with.
Hope this can help you.
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