I am sorry ... I didn't spend ALL this time enjoying my holiday, hehe. I was just busy (and have to say it - I was lazy and didn't update my blog). Sorry for that. We had some great days by the sea (it was a very very hot Summer), had time to rest, enjoy my kids, knit, walk around Granada ... And you ??? What about your Summer ???
Hope you all had a great time !!! ... ^__^
Lo siento ... No pasé TODO este tiempo disfrutando de mis vacaciones, hehe. He estado ocupada (y tengo que decirlo - me ha dado pereza actualizar el blog). Lo siento. Hemos pasado unos días fantásticos junto al mar (fue un Verano muy muy caluroso), he tenido tiempo para descansar, disfrutar de mis peques, hacer punto, pasear por Granada ... Y vosotros ??? Que tal el Verano ???
Espero que todos lo hayan pasado bien !!! ... ^__^
2 comentarios:
My dear, Summer is a pale memory for me now!
I was wondering where you were, I am glad to see that you are well and back into blogworld.
Blandina - we are back (a long time ago, hehe) but I am just so busy ... I miss those free days a lot !!! It looks like all these happened a long long time ago ...
Hope you had a great Summer, too ... ^___^
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